Deep Victory Support Agreement

Life Coaching Support Agreement

COACHING SERVICES: Your coach –Anton de Vries – will review your personal development work, and discuss and assess your creative goals. Coaches and clients are partners in the coaching process. Working together, you and your coach will create an appropriate plan for achieving the goals. Once agreed upon, you – the client – will take necessary steps to implement the plan. Coach and client will meet periodically to review progress.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Your coach will exercise best professional efforts, skills and care of ensuring that you’re coached to meet your coaching goals.
This service is requested at the client’s own choice and with their inherent singular responsibility. Due to the limited amount of appointments available, only clients dedicated to making positive changes will be accepted.
You have the right to agree or disagree with your coach’s recommendations. Any of your decisions, actions or lack of action, and their consequences, are solely your choice and are not the responsibility nor liability of the coach. You are the author of your life!
The client is expected to inform the coach of any barriers to progress, including personal or professional issues that arise during this process. This transparency is required for effective and meaningful change.
The client agrees to disclose necessary details of psychological or psychiatric treatment, past or present, and that if any mental health difficulties arise during the course of the coaching relationship, will notify the coach immediately to discuss an appropriate referral. The client is aware that this service is in no way to be construed as, or substituted for, psychological counselling or any other type of professional therapy or medical advice.

CONFIDENTIALITY: All personal information provided to your coach will be kept strictly confidential as allowed by law, except where agreed upon by both parties. In abidance with the law, confidential information without a specific release will be disclosed if it is necessary to prevent foreseeable imminent harm to the client or another. Anonymised data may be used for research purposes only.

OUTCOMES: Successful outcomes result from the client’s intentions, choices and actions, supported by the coach’s efforts and application of the coaching process. Services are provided ‘as is’, without warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied.

PAYMENT: The fee for coaching services is €80/hour for standard single sessions. Proof of payment is due at the time of the appointment. Payment of this fee entitles the client to personalised coaching sessions and may include extra support, services and material outside of the session.
Other package deals and ‘programs’ of specified duration are offered as separate payment plans.

CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations or appointment rescheduling require 24 hours advanced notice to avoid incurring the full cost of the session. In the case of package deals and “programs”, appointments cancelled less than 24 hours prior are considered forfeit. This policy is to allow for effective scheduling and to ensure the coach can accommodate for each client’s availability.

PREMATURE TERMINATION: If either party wishes to terminate the Agreement within an existing payment plan, s/he will make contact to discuss concerns and issues, and if no resolution can be found, notify the other party via e-Mail of the desire to terminate. Refunding will only be available in the case of coach-initiated termination.

MATERIAL: All original material from Anton de Vries, or under the name “Deep Victory”, is the property of the coach and may not be reproduced or redistributed without the owner’s consent. The client is otherwise free to use the material privately for its intended, personal use.
Your coach may provide third party material or links to other web sites thought to be of value to you. This does not constitute endorsement, nor does it necessarily reflect the ideas or opinions of the coach. It is your responsibility to make your own informed decision about the accuracy and relevance of third party information.

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